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2023 Ethnic Minority Affairs Conference

Massachusetts Teachers Association

The MTA's Ethnic Minority Affairs Committee (EMAC) invites you to share your expertise with educators from across Massachusetts at the 44th Annual Ethnic Minority Affairs Committee Conference on Friday, December 1st and Saturday, December 2nd, 2023 at the Sheraton Framingham Hotel and Convention Center. This year's theme is Cultivating Cultural Pride, Nurturing Cultural Identity and Heritage and will feature award-winning author and professor, Dr. Bettina L. Love, as the keynote speaker. 

We are accepting proposals for 90-minute workshops that are centered on racial/ethnic, economic, and social justice that also incorporate the following themes:

  • Cultivating Cultural Pride, Nurturing Cultural Identity and Heritage
  • Leadership Development
  • Forming Coalitions to Solve Community-based Problems
  • Accessing Grants/Funding, Resources, and Networks
  • Meeting Needs of Diverse Members and Students
  • Winning Contracts that Embed Racial, Social, and Economic Justice Language

Prior to submitting your proposal, click here to add yourself to our Facilitator Database. 

Proposals will be evaluated based on the strength of their descriptions (150 words or less) including the following information:

  • Goals/objectives that will make sure educators leave the workshop with practical skills, tools, and techniques they can apply to their work
  • Interactive and engaging learning strategies that immerse participants in the content through a participatory style that utilizes multiple modes of learning and other accommodations.
  • A clear explanation of who the workshop is designed for (grade levels, skill levels, etc.)

Tips for a stronger proposal:

  • Choose a clear and concise title that is about three to six words. Participants will be attracted to the title first and may not go on to read the description if it doesn't capture their attention. Also, make it brief so that it fits well on printing and promotional materials.
  • Refer to the people in your workshop as “participants” and ensure that the proposal is participant-centered, in other words, use “we” or “you” versus “I” or “me.” Acknowledge and incorporate the knowledge of participants in the learning space as our participants come with varying levels of expertise.
  • Be clear with the expectations people should have going into the workshop.
  • Write your proposal as a narrative, not simply a list of bullet points
  • Please use spellcheck.
  • If copying and pasting your proposal into the form, please be sure that it includes everything.
  • You are limited to 150 words.

We find that more successful workshops tend to have a broader audience appeal. Think of topics that can be attended by different kinds of audience members, as opposed to being focused on a single subject or type of educator. Popular topics typically include Racial, Economic, & Social Justice, English Language Learners, Social Emotional Learning, Leadership Development, Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy, and Union Skills that support members in successfully navigating various aspects of the union.

Learn more about other presenting opportunities by visiting the Division of Training & Professional Learning’s website and make sure you are added to our Facilitator Database in order to receive future requests for proposals. For more information, email MTA's Training and Professional Learning Division at

Call Closed

This call is no longer accepting submissions. For a list of calls that are currently open in ProposalSpace, check out our active calls page.