FTA 2024 Conference Call for Proposals
Financial Therapy Association
Call for FTA 2024 Conference Presentations!
The FTA is very excited to announce the call for presentations for our 2024 conference! This year's conference will be held on May 16-18, 2024, in San Diego, CA, at the Hyatt Regency La Jolla Aventine Hotel. Our conference theme is "Financial Therapy For All: Across Cultures; Across Generations."
This year’s carefully selected theme was inspired by the recognition that we live in a global society. The theory and practice of financial therapy is being advanced all around the world in a diverse set of contexts. By taking an international perspective as we learn from each other, and share our findings, we are all enriched.
Our theme underscores the crucial need for inclusive and culturally attuned financial therapy. Financial therapy should be adaptable, accessible, and relevant to all. To realize this vision, we must first comprehend what it means to be culturally and generationally informed and further understand what we, as practitioners, need to know and understand to succeed in creating a genuinely inclusive financial therapy practice. Cultural and generational narratives profoundly influence our financial habits and attitudes. In today’s rapidly evolving economic landscape, it is imperative to possess tools and approaches accessible and applicable to everyone, regardless of background or age.
This year’s conference is an opportunity for members of academia, mental health, and financial professions to come together to share, listen, learn, and cultivate meaningful and robust discussions in our shared passion for financial therapy. This conference provides a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals from around the world and to learn from experts in the field.
Who Should Submit
Persons interested in the cognitive, emotional, behavioral, relational, economic, and integrative aspects of financial health and well-being. Mental health and financial professionals, academics, scholars, and students in the practice, research, or in scholarly pursuit of financial therapy and financial therapy related topics. All topics related to financial therapy are welcome.
FTA recognizes that economic disparity and systemic racism, prevalent in our society, are barriers to achieving mental and financial well-being. FTA is committed to minimizing these barriers through advancing diversity and equity in our practice with clients/patients, research, and within our organization. We welcome and invite all people regardless of race, religion, culture, socioeconomic status, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and disability to participate, speak, or attend this year’s conference.
This year's conference will focus on how we can cultivate a deeper understanding of our own inner worlds to better support clients, practice, education, instruction, and colleagues.
Please submit your ideas and propose sessions in one or more of the following general types.
Types of Submissions– To better understand what should be included in the actual proposal attachment, please read the “How To” later in this document.
Any topic related to the following topics.
- Self-of-the-Financial Therapist
- Financial well-being
- Connection with self & Connection with others
- Cultivating resiliency
- Financial therapy modalities
- Cultural diversity and competence
- Financial therapy skills, interventions, and exercises
- Money & relationships
- Behavioral economics
- Application of financial therapy research
- Education programming
- Sound financial management practice
- Ethical and professional standards of practice
However, any topic relating to financial therapy will be considered. Qualified submissions will be peer-reviewed, and evaluation will consider completeness; quality of writing; relevance to the conference theme; impact on field; innovativeness; attention given to diversity, equity, and inclusion; and usefulness in financial therapy practice and research. A limited number of spots are available for selected submissions and therefore only high quality and competitive proposals will be selected.
The two main types of submissions that are sought include:
- Poster Presentations – Posters feature elements of research, theory, practice, and/or showcase a specific approach as applied to financial therapy. Submissions should include a 1-2 page, single-spaced, detailed abstract in APA format of the proposed poster content. Poster exhibitors will present their posters during the poster session. A Best Poster Award – Research and a Best Poster Award – Non-Research (Practice, Theory, Approach) will be presented at the conference. Posters will be judged during the poster session at the conference. Presenters must be present at the session.
- Full Presentations – These presentations will showcase high quality, relevant research, theory, practice, and/or a specific approach that furthers the field of financial therapy. Presentations may range in length from 30 to 50 minutes depending upon the accepted number of presentations. Submissions should include a detailed summary of at least 2-3 single spaced pages, with a five-page maximum including references. Presentation summaries should highlight the purpose of the presentation, the significance to the field of financial therapy, a brief literature review, the methodology and results if appropriate, the exercise or activity if appropriate, and a discussion including ethical considerations, limitations, and implications.
A Best Presentation Award will be presented at the conference.
Author(s) that submit for the conference may also choose to participate in the Outstanding Conference Paper Award competition, sponsored by the Journal of Financial Therapy. To compete, full papers must be submitted to admin@financialtherapyassociation.org no later than September 1, 2023 with the email subject heading of “Outstanding Conference Paper Award Submission – First Author Last Name”. Please see the Journal of Financial Therapy website (https://financialtherapyassociation.org/journal-of-financial-therapy/) for further journal submission details and suggestions. The winner of the competition will be announced at the conference and will be featured in the Journal of Financial Therapy if editorial requirements are met.
Please note, in addition to the full paper, you must submit a presentation proposal to the FTA conference and be willing to present to be considered for this award. The author(s) may only submit original work and may not submit a paper that is already published in another journal.
Submission Guidelines
- All submissions should be single-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, and use APA formatting.
- Evaluation criteria will include completeness, quality of writing, impact on field, innovativeness, usefulness in financial therapy practice and research, and APA and proposal submission guideline adherence.
- A separate Role Form will be completed for authors names. No authors names should be included in the uploaded proposal submission to ensure blind review of submissions.
Target dates
- Submission of conference proposals due by January 31, 2024.
- Accepted proposal authors will be notified of acceptance by February 29, 2024.
- Submission for Outstanding Conference Paper Award competition due by April 1, 2024.
- At least ONE author will need to CONFIRM their acceptance by April 1, 2024.
- At least ONE author will need to REGISTER by April 1, 2024
- Notification for Outstanding Conference Paper Award by April 20, 2024.
Each submission is blind, peer reviewed, by at least 2-3 FTA Board and Conference Committee members.
- Submission of a proposal certifies the acknowledgement that plagiarism is the unacknowledged use of another person's ideas, words, or work, either verbatim or in substance, without specific and appropriate acknowledgement and citation. And in such, that the author(s) declare the submitted proposal and, if accepted, the presentation, will be their own work and have correctly acknowledged and cited the work of others, when applicable.
Call Closed
This call is no longer accepting submissions. For a list of calls that are currently open in ProposalSpace, check out our active calls page.