2025 Healing Beyond Borders 29th Annual Energy Healing Conference and Leadership Meeting
Healing Beyond Borders
Healing Beyond Borders presents:
29th Annual Energy Healing Conference & Leadership Meeting
"Standing in Our Power. Healing in Action"
Hyatt Regency, Bloomington, MN
General Conference: September 4-7, 2025
Pre-Conference: September 4, 2025
Call for Proposals
Healing Beyond Borders is celebrating 29 years of service throughout the world.
Our path forward is one of growth, optimism, passion, collaboration, harmony, and continued service as we gather with like-minded individuals to Spread Healing, Light, and Love, Creating Wholeness on Earth.
Conference planning is in full swing for our 29th annual energy healing conference. The 2025 Conference Planning Committee hopes that you will consider submitting a proposal for a workshop that addresses our conference theme: Standing in Our Power. Healing in Action. Think boldly and innovatively! Proposals should focus specifically on topics related to the following:
- Concepts related to the art of healing
- Healing presence and environment
- Concepts related to the art of compassion
We are accepting proposals for workshops that are 1.5 or 2.5 hours in duration. You may submit more than one proposal if desired. The Planning Committee reserves the right to request that you lengthen or shorten your workshop based upon available time slots.
Proposals may be submitted by health care professionals, holistic health providers, and those with sufficient knowledge and mastery of the subject to be presented. The presenter must have taught or presented this subject at least once in the past two years and have competency to answer questions during discussion. Proposals may involve co-presenters; however, all communication will be with the primary presenter.
Submissions are completed online using Proposal Space from March 12, 2025 through April 11, 2025. Proposals must be submitted by April 11, 2025 at 11:59 pm US Mountain Daylight Time. Proposals will be notified regarding the status of their proposal via email by April 16, 2025.
Contact: If you have any questions, please contact Carrie Niewenhous, Education Administrator, Healing Beyond Borders at (303) 989-7982 or email at Education@HealingBeyondBorders.org
Conference Purpose
The purpose of this conference is for the learner to enhance the cultivation of healing and service within oneself and others.
About Healing Beyond Borders
Healing Beyond Borders, established in 1996, is the non-profit professional organization for education and certification of Healing Touch practitioners and instructors. We are dedicated to Spreading Healing, Light and Love, Creating Wholeness on Earth. We support the heart-centered practice and teaching of Healing Touch through continuing education, research consultation, health care integration, and professional development. Support services are provided for the general public, students, practitioners, instructors, and those interested in healing.
Spread Healing, Light and Love, creating wholeness on Earth.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to spread healing and light worldwide through the heart-centered practice and teaching of Healing Touch. It is fulfilled by this non-profit membership and educational organization which:
- Administers the Certification process for Healing Touch Practitioners and Instructors
- Sets international standards of practice and international code of ethics for practitioners and instructors
- Supports Healing Touch Practitioners and Instructors as they develop, practice and serve communities worldwide
- Promotes and provides resources in health care integration and research in Healing Touch
- Provides opportunities for promotion of and education about Healing Touch.
Healing Beyond Borders Core Values
Integrity, Heart Centeredness, Respect of Self and Others, Self-Care, Service, Community, and Unconditional Love
Healing Touch: A Nurturing Energy Healing Therapy
Healing Touch is a relaxing, nurturing, heart-centered, biofield (energy) therapy, founded in nursing process and ancient wisdom traditions. Gentle touch assists in balancing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The goal in Healing Touch is to restore harmony and balance to support the body’s natural healing ability. It is safe for all ages and works in harmony and collaboration with standard medical care.
Healing Touch is used in a wide variety of settings including hospitals, long term care facilities, private practice, hospice care, and spas and is taught in universities, medical, massage and nursing schools, and other settings internationally.
HTI Healing Touch Certificate Program
The HTI Healing Touch Certificate Program is a nursing continuing professional development educational (CE) program leading to credentialing and includes 5 courses of training provided by Healing Beyond Borders Certified Healing Touch Instructors. Classes are taught throughout the world and are open to anyone interested in healing work. Students progress through the course of study at their own pace and may take as many classes as desired. Continuing professional development education contact hours are provided for nursing and other disciplines. The HTI Healing Touch Certificate Program is endorsed by the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA). For further information, please visit www.HealingBeyondBorders.org
Healing Beyond Borders Healing Touch Certification
The Healing Beyond Borders Certification Board offers credentialing for Certified Healing Touch Practitioners (CHTP) and Certified Healing Touch Instructors (CHTI). Certification was established within the American Holistic Nurses Association in 1993, and transferred to Healing Touch International, now dba Healing Beyond Borders, in 1996. Students, practitioners, and instructors are responsible to practice with integrity, adhering to the Healing Beyond Borders Standards of Practice/Code of Ethics and Scope of Practice.
For more information, please visit our website at www.healingbeyondborders.org
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