ATRA San Antonio : ATRA Call for Presentations
American Therapeutic Recreation Association
2025 ATRA San Antonio - A Summit on the Future of Recreational Therapy
Location: Menger Hotel - 204 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio TX 78205
Dates: October 18 - 20, 2025
Proposals are due by May 19, 2025 with speakers notified by the beginning of July.
This Call for Presentations is for educational sessions that are in-person. The field of Recreational Therapy is evolving, and so is how we come together to learn, collaborate, and shape the future of our profession. For 2025, ATRA is transforming its annual conference to a summit-style event—a dynamic, immersive experience designed to foster deeper connection with the key issues impacting us all: higher education, research and evidence-based practice, practice issues, and legislation and licensure.
There will be 3 - 4 general sessions with each followed by 3-4 concurrent sessions related to the general session topic. Presenters should review the following information carefully to determine where their sessions fits best.
Session Options for ATRA San Antonio Call for Presentations:
- Focus: Future of the Profession, Future of Education, Future of Research, Future of Practice, Future of Advocacy
- Preferred Session Length: 30 minute, 60 minute, 90 minute, General Session
- Target Audience: Practitioners, Settings, Educators, Researchers, Managers, Leaders, Innovators
Presenters will be asked to select from the options noted above, as well as to submit a bio and headshot with their proposal. The speaker agreement, bio and headshot will be used if your presentation is accepted. Proposals will not be considered complete until all components are submitted. Educational sessions are presented in individual concurrent time slots, selected from proposals submitted in response to this Call for Presentations by a blind peer review of national reviewers (anonymous author).
Speaker Discount
The primary speaker for each presentation will be awarded a speaker discount. The primary speaker will be responsible to work out with their co-presenters an agreement on the speaker discount; unlike previous years, ATRA will only award one speaker discount towards conference registration, regardless of presentation duration or number of sessions. A submitted proposal includes your agreement with the speaker agreement. If presenting in-person, speakers will pay for their own meals, lodging, transportation, CEs, handouts and registration fees (minus the waiver).
Questions about conference sessions should be directed to: education@atra-online.com or info@atra-online.com
Inicie una propuesta
Para iniciar una propuesta para esta convocatoria, primero inicie sesión en su cuenta de ProposalSpace.
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