NASIG 2025 40th Annual Conference - Call for Proposals
NASIG is soliciting proposals for its 40th Annual Conference, to be held online May 19-21, 2025, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. EDT.
NASIG seeks proposals for sessions on topics related to the areas defined in NASIG’s Core Competencies, including, but not limited to:
- Electronic resource life cycle and management
- Collection analysis, assessment, and development
- Licensing and legal framework of library content
- Ethical Issues in technical services
- Standards and systems of cataloging and classification, metadata, linked data, and indexing
- Standards, initiatives, and best practices for library content
- Scholarly communication, including copyright, data management, and assessment and impact metrics
- Institutional repositories, publishing, digital preservation, open educational resources, and open access
- Life cycle and workflow of print continuing resources
- Relationship building between libraries, vendors, publishers, standards bodies, and others involved in the information community
- Supervision and management of staff working in areas relevant to NASIG
- Management of projects related to electronic and/or print resources or scholarly communication
- Initiatives and best practices in areas included in the core competencies and awareness of trends and ongoing developments in those areas
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion in relation to libraries
Presentations are selected by the Program Planning Committee (PPC) based on their relevance to NASIG member interests. Co-presenters are welcomed, but we ask that you limit submissions to no more than three presenters. Presenters may be asked to combine sessions with other presenters on similar topics.
Programming will be offered via Zoom and will feature predominantly live sessions with some pre-recorded sessions also available. If specific circumstances such as time zones means you would prefer to present via pre-recording, please let the PPC know in your proposal submission.
Presenters should include approximately 45 minutes of content including questions and discussion.
Notify the Program Planning Committee (PPC) if you plan to use special Zoom features (breakout rooms, polls, etc), and the PPC will check if this functionality is available. Please provide this information as soon as possible.
Presenters will have the option of publishing a conference report in the NASIG Conference Proceedings
More information about the conference including preliminary registration rates is available at NASIG 2025 FAQ
Accepted presentations will be offered a 50% discount off the qualified registration for the conference.
The submission deadline is December 15th 2024.
Questions? Please email nasigppc@gmail.com
Proposals are selected by the Program Planning Committee based on their relevance to NASIG member interests. A rubric has been created to guide both the committee and individuals who submit proposals. The rubric is below and will be included on the forthcoming proposal resource page.
Rubric Parameters
Topic |
Topic is not timely or relevant to NASIG. |
Topic is unclear in focus or aims. |
Topic is described too generally. |
Topic is of interest only to certain user groups/limited amounts of people. |
Topic aligns with the NASIG Core Competencies, is well thought out, and has wide appeal. |
Learning Outcomes |
Learning outcomes are not relevant to either topic or librarianship |
Learning outcomes not clearly defined |
Minimal learning outcomes present but more information is needed to understand what the takeaways will be. |
Learning outcomes |
Learning outcomes are |
Proposal Description |
Description is short and/or vague |
Description is short and provides minimal information. |
Description provides some detail but lacks information about what |
Description is well-defined and has some vague ideas about what the goals and outcomes will be. |
Description clearly defines what the proposed session will be about and what will happen during the session. Background, goals, and outcomes are prevalent and well-defined. |
NASIG is an independent organization working to advance and transform the management of information resources. Our ultimate goal is to facilitate and improve the distribution, acquisition, and long-term accessibility of information resources in all formats and business models. Visit http://www.nasig.org/ for more information.
Inicie una propuesta
Para iniciar una propuesta para esta convocatoria, primero inicie sesión en su cuenta de ProposalSpace.
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