2024 ATRA Research Institute Oral and Poster Presentation Submissions
American Therapeutic Recreation Association
2024 ATRA Research Institute - Together We Thrive, Together We Rise
Location: Marriott Country Club Plaza - Kansas City, MO
Dates: October 12 - 15, 2024 - preconference sessions on October 12, conference kickoff on October 13
Proposals are due by May 15, 2024 with researchers notified around the end of June.
This Call for Presentations is for all RESEARCH INSTITUTE sessions ONLY (oral and poster presentations). These will be held in-person at the 2024 ATRA Annual Conference in Kansas City. Research Institute Oral Presentation Sessions will be held on Monday, October 14 or Tuesday, October 15. Posters will be displayed Sunday, October 13 through Tuesday, October 15 at noon.
Options for Research Presentations:
- Oral - 20 minute presentation with 5 - 10 minute Q & A; oral presentations are grouped by topics to create focused research sessions
- Poster - displayed at the conference with researchers asked to be present at their posters during specific times for Q & A with attendees and jurors
Researchers will be asked to select from the options noted above, as well as to submit an ABSTRACT (following the provided template), a bio statement, and headshot with their proposal. The speaker agreement, bio and headshot will be used if your research presentation is accepted. Proposals will not be considered complete until all components are submitted. Abstracts for publication will be due by DECEMBER 1, 2024. You must follow the provided abstract template or it will be rejected from inclusion in the Abstract Publication.
Current research that is relevant to Recreational Therapy practice, populations, interventions, and professional issues are encouraged.
Research oral presentations are grouped in sets of three to create focus sessions, and are presented in individual concurrent time slots alongside general education sessions.
Research posters presentations are judged by a panel will review the poster onsite.
Speaker Discount
The primary speaker for each Research Institute presentation (oral and poster) will be awarded a speaker discount. The primary speaker will be responsible to work out with their co-presenters an agreement on the speaker discount; ATRA will only award one speaker discount towards conference registration. A submitted proposal includes your agreement with the speaker agreement. Speakers are responsible for their own meals, lodging, transportation, CEs, handouts and registration fees (minus the waiver).
Questions about Research Institute sessions should be directed to:
- Oral Presentations: Tommy Means wmeans@uwlax.edu
- Poster Presentations: Dawn DeVries devridaw@gvsu.edu
Questions about the ATRA Conference should be directed to info@atra-online.com
Call Closed
This call is no longer accepting submissions. For a list of calls that are currently open in ProposalSpace, check out our active calls page.