2024 Call for Proposals
IM4US Call for proposals for "Making Integrative Care the Standard of Care" is asking for proposals that elaborate clinical pearls, program building, hands-on workshops, research and education, really ANYTHING that helps our members deliver Integrative Models and Modalities in vulnerable communities. Please let us know if you plan to deliver your activity in person, virtually, or both. Additionally, please let us know if you are open to presenting asynchronously as we try to offer our conference attendees both a stress-free conference where they are not forced to choose between sessions, and as much amazing content and CE's as possible. THANK YOU for your commitment to the work and for your submission. We are looking forward to reading your proposals!
Appel est clos
Cet appel n'accepte plus les soumissions. Pour obtenir la liste des appels actuellement ouverts dans ProposalSpace, consultez notre page d'appels actifs.