2024 ATRA Annual Conference Call for Presentations
American Therapeutic Recreation Association
2024 ATRA Annual Conference - Thriving Together, Raising Together
Location: Marriott Country Club Plaza - 4445 Main St., Kansas City, MO 64111
Dates: October 12 - 15, 2024
Proposals are due by May 15, 2024 with speakers notified by the end of June. (extended deadline)
This Call for Presentations is for all educational sessions that are in-person. Research Institute proposals (oral and poster) are submitted via a separate call.
Session Options for this Call for Presentations:
- Focus: Educational, workshops and intensives
- Session Length: 60 minute, 90 minute, 2 hour, 3 hour, 6 hours
- Virtual REPLAY - pre-recorded sessions on ATRA platform 1-2 weeks after in-person sessions
Presenters will be asked to select from the options noted above, as well as to submit a bio and headshot with their proposal. The speaker agreement, bio and headshot will be used if your presentation is accepted. Proposals will not be considered complete until all components are submitted.
Important topics for individual sessions:
For all practice areas:
- Mind-body interventions such as yoga, tai chi, mindfulness;
- Motivational interviewing;
- Group dynamics;
- Reflective and/or empathetic listening;
- Social network building and social support;
- Environmental modification and design;
- Non-verbal communication;
- Coping skills and strategies;
- Resiliency;
Healthy lifestyle maintenance/development (such as nutrition and healthy habits); - Alternative activities;
- Assessment tools and techniques for all settings and domains;
- Practice theories;
- Evidence-based practices;
- Nature-based interventions
For specific practice areas:
- Behavioral Health: cognitive behavioral interventions, behavior modifications; activity processing; feedback; therapeutic use of humor; family support; support groups/peer connections; diagnosis/symptom education and training; anxiety management, resiliency; mindfulness; self-management; trust, team building
- Child and Adolescent: applied behavior analysis, differential reinforcement, behavioral activation techniques; family training/education; anxiety management; resiliency; social skills
- Community: activity processing and debriefing; peer support and instruction; community resources; community integration; family training/education; empowerment; social skills
- Management: therapeutic use of self (purposeful use of verbal tone, body positioning, listening/question discussion style); establishing reimbursement rates; consulting/private practice issues
- Older Adult: pain management; therapeutic touch and stimulation; family training/education; falls and balance; fatigue; body mechanics; family support; anxiety management; quality of life issues
- Physical Rehab and Medicine: visual neglect techniques; peer meditated instruction or support; community integration; pain management; family support; support groups/peer connections; diagnosis/symptom education and training; fatigue management; body mechanics; self-management; empowerment
- Schools: feedback; behavior modifications; cognitive behavioral interventions; team building; social skills
- Veterans: support groups/peer connections; family training/education; diagnosis/symptom education and training; trust; team building; self-management; empowerment; quality of life
- Higher Education: new pedagogical approaches; facilitating student research
Educational sessions are presented in individual concurrent time slots, selected from proposals submitted in response to this Call for Presentations by a blind peer review of national reviewers (anonymous author).
Speaker Discount
The primary speaker for each presentation will be awarded a speaker discount. The primary speaker will be responsible to work out with their co-presenters an agreement on the speaker discount; unlike previous years, ATRA will only award one speaker discount towards conference registration, regardless of presentation duration or number of sessions. A submitted proposal includes your agreement with the speaker agreement. If presenting in-person, speakers will pay for their own meals, lodging, transportation, CEs, handouts and registration fees (minus the waiver).
Questions about conference sessions should be directed to: atradawn@gmail.com or info@atra-online.com
Call Closed
This call is no longer accepting submissions. For a list of calls that are currently open in ProposalSpace, check out our active calls page.