UF Quality Online Course Reviews: Fast Track
UF Center for Online Innovation and Production
This call is for UF instructors who are submitting self-reviews for Fast Track Course Reviews ONLY.
Submissions for the full UF Online Course Quality Review process should be submitted to the UF Quality Online Course Reviews Call.
Online Courses are eligible for Fast Track reviews if:
- No more than 20% of the course content from the original course design has been altered
- The course has been taught online at least once prior to submitting the self-review
- The instructor submitting the Fast Track review provides the following information about the “Parent” course’s review
- Proposal Number (in ProposalSpace)
- Course Code and Title
- Instructor Name
- Designation
- Term Designation was earned
If you are unsure or have any questions about the kinds of evidence you can provide do not hesitate to contact the Online Course Quality Team in the Center for Online Innovation and Production.
Inicie una propuesta
Para iniciar una propuesta para esta convocatoria, primero inicie sesión en su cuenta de ProposalSpace.
¿No tienes una cuenta? Registrate gratis.